Frequently Asked Questions


Here are a few questions that are frequently asked.

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Meal time is very stressful. My child eats the same 3 foods every day and will not try anything new. How can you help me?

At Comprehensive Pediatrics our goal is to reduce stress around feeding. We work together with you to develop simple strategies to help reduce frustration around mealtime. Food is an essential part of life and is connected to a lot of emotions. Our goal is to help bring positive emotions to mealtime using fun and interactive strategies to help introduce new foods.

My child has a lot of energy, can never sit still, and misses verbal and visual directions. I’ve tried many behavioral techniques and I feel like nothing is working. How can Comprehensive Pediatrics help?

At Comprehensive Pediatrics we believe that behaviors are influenced by an underlying sensory need or difficulty. We work with you to determine a sensory profile and pinpoint exactly where the behaviors are stemming from. From there, we create a targeted intervention plan to help improve your child's ability to process incoming sensory information, regulate, and put out appropriate behaviors.

My child lacks energy, never wants to leave the house, and will often avoid playground equipment. Could this also be a sensory difference?

Absolutely. Children with sensory differences may present with high energy levels, but also with low energy levels. At Comprehensive Pediatrics we work with you to determine a sensory profile and pinpoint exactly in which sensory system the difference is taking place. Children that avoid playground equipment or have difficulties trying new activities may have a motor planning or ideational praxis delay. With an occupational therapy evaluation, your therapist will be able to determine where the breakdown is happening and create an intervention plan suitable to your family and needs.

My child is a teenager and struggling to get motivated, complete homework, and clean up after themselves. How can Comprehensive Pediatrics help?

Your child may be struggling with executive functioning. Through our evaluation process we can determine exactly where the executive dysfunction is happening and develop an intervention plan suitable to your family and needs.